Góralski Miks

The mix in title consists of dance elements form three regions of Polish mountains – Spisz, Podhale and Beskid. The story shows children sneaking around a hat hanger. The hats on it play an important role – they posses a magical-like power which allows the children to dance accordingly to the region the hats come form as soon as they put them on their heads. As the hats are taken form the hanger, one by one the music plays „czardasz” form Spisz, which the children dance to in pairs, „kołomajki” from the Beskid region, to which the girls are trying to outrun the boys, and finally – „zbójnicki” form Podhale ,which is only danced by boys

Mountain Mix

przez Witold Jarosiński | Strategic Partnership for Dance in Education

<a href="https://www.passionfruits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Maciek/Góralski_Miks.mp3" download="">Download</a>

Version A

<a href="https://www.passionfruits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/PL_Góralski_Miks_ver._A.mp4" download="">Download</a>

Version B

<a href="https://www.passionfruits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/PL_Góralski_Miks_ver._B.mp4 " download="">Download</a>

Version C

<a href="https://www.passionfruits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/PL_Góralski_Miks_ver._C.mp4 " download="">Download</a>


<a href="https://www.passionfruits.eu/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Instruktaze/Instructions_PL_ENG.mp4" download="">Download</a>
Warunki korzystania

Warunki korzystania

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Na przykład:


Tytuł: Serele

Muzyka: Witold Jarosiński

Choreografia: German Komarovski

Własność praw autorskich majątkowych: Stowarzyszenie „Passionfruits”.


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